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Asphalt deforms quickly in summer: why sprinkling salt helps!



In a heat wave, the asphalt is severely affected by the extreme heat that remains on the road surface. Many municipalities therefore choose to use salt to prevent serious damage to the road surface and thus efficiently save costs.

The asphalt melts away in places without shade, making the asphalt very soft. This process soon takes effect. Mainly at intersections, rising traffic pulls asphalt out of the road surface. A number of municipalities have even installed sensors in the road surface and carry out visual checks. This allows them to keep a sharp eye on the current state of the road surface during summer temperatures.

In some places, the road surface can even reach a temperature of more than 50 degrees. That's when all the alarm bells start ringing and salt must be sprinkled evenly and effectively. Of great importance is of course that the asphalt stays in place. Especially at intersections and roundabouts a lot of damage can otherwise occur. The asphalt sticks to the tyres, tracks are driven into the road and in the wear layer the stones are released, which can cause dangerous situations.


Salt has a proven effective effect on the protection of asphalt on summer days. A property of salt is that it can absorb moisture from the air (hygroscopic) and thus cool the asphalt. In addition, the road salt also regulates the removal of moisture from the asphalt, making it less sticky. This is reason enough for many municipalities to switch quickly at asphalt temperatures from 50 degrees and start spreading salt.

Sprinkling salt in winter and summer

For example, on a summer day it is a special sensation to see a "wintry" gritter driving by. However, this is very important to keep the roads safe. Spreading salt in warm weather is no luxury. Also last year, many municipalities sprinkled salt preventively to prevent serious damage to the road and to make sure we can travel around safely.

Salt specialists

Eurosalt is the salt expert of the Netherlands and has been supplying the right salt for over 30 years! We know the right quality specifications and buy consciously from reliable partners. This allows us to guarantee that our salt does meet the set requirements. We supply more than 150 types of salt and our salt specialists can help you make the right choice.

Eurosalt supplies various types of salt from road salt & road salt, industrial salt to salt tablets.

Salt storage

Of course it is possible to stock up on salt so that you will be well prepared for summer days and won't miss it. We also offer the possibility of managing "our own reserved stock" in our warehouse. Therefore choose for our salt because it is also kind to your wallet.


Do you need salt, too? Call the salt specialists 0168 - 393 200 they will be happy to help you make the right choice. Or order the right quality of salt quickly and easily online via the webshop! If you would like more information, please feel free to contact them via



Salt sprinkling in warm weather


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